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On men and institutions

It has been said that the office can change a man – that he will rise to his responsibilities, earn the respect that comes with the emblem of the institution, as he learns to inspire and deliver like a true leader should. So we wish, on this cold, rainy January day.

There are however behaviors and virtues that are easier to acquire earlier than later in life – like self -control and empathy. Yes, we can and should learn new skills throughout our lives, and I am thankful to Steve Pinker for pointing out that good institutions can bring out the better angels of our nature, while making the evil lurking in us unacceptable.

My father was a man from a humble background, but worked hard all his life in public service. He was also an avid student of world history. Here is a pearl of wisdom I remember from him: “Tant vaut l’homme, tant vaut l’institution”. Succinctly translated, it muses that an institution is only as good as the individuals who run it. Libraries are only as good as their librarians; good schools have good principals and teachers; banks and corporations are only as trustworthy as their CEOs and employees. The US presidency is forever imaged after Washington and Lincoln, men of integrity, humility and courage.

We laughed hard when a man of 70 years of age was told to “grow up”. We should now pray that the institution of the US presidency will not be tarnished by egomania.

(Published in the Gazette Times, Corvallis, on Jan 30, 2017)

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