On Dr Anthony Fauci

After years of reading individual opinions in this newspaper column, I have learned not to get myself upset by reacting to those whose sources of information are so contradictory to my own take of life realities. I have also restrained myself from offering a different viewpoint to the authors of those opinions, since they have already made up their minds. As humans, our brain processes only what our heart have already chosen to believe, and so there is no point in engaging myself in a civil discussion with people who are not ready to open their hearts.
But I will have to pick up my pen here to stand up for Dr Anthony Fauci, who has been viciously attacked ( Gazette Times mailbag June 21). I have known Dr Fauci for years, his scientific intellect and personal integrity is stellar and exemplary among those who have worked with him in medicine and public health. He is staying on in his official position only because of his deep sense of social responsibility and civic duty in this nation currently so battered by an irresponsible and misleading administration. To accuse him of financial conflict of interest in this pandemic is simply outrageous.
At the end of the day, people will believe and can say what they want, but when we choose to speak ill of others, we only end up disclosing what kind of person we ourselves really are.
(Submitted June 21, published in the Gazette Times, July 2, 2020)
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